The following is news from the Port Authority of Guam:
Another Port Authority of Guam employee has tested positive for COVID-19.
Port General Manager Rory J. Respicio said the latest case also includes an additional 13 Port employees who have been identified as potentially exposed.
“We immediately contacted the Department of Public Health and Social Services and they have scheduled the additional 13 employees to be tested tomorrow,” Respicio said.
The latest positive case brings the Port’s total to 20 employees who have tested positive for COVID-19. In total, the Port’s Contact Tracing Team has been able to identify 409 cases of close contact exposure with the 20 port employees and has coordinated testing for the exposures. Out of the 20 employees with positive cases at the Port, 17 of them have returned to regular work status. Sadly, the Port Strong family is still mourning the loss of one of these COVID frontliners who passed away last week.
“We are consistently deep cleaning and sanitizing our facilities and are doing everything we can to keep our employees and our tenants safe,” Respicio said. “We are keeping our employees who are sick in our thoughts and prayers and we wish them a speedy recovery.”