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7th seaport employee positive for COVID-19

The following is a news release from the Port Authority of Guam:

The Port Authority of Guam has identified a seventh employee positive with COVID-19 which has led to 10 additional employees potentially exposed to the virus.

“Today we were notified that another employee tested positive for COVID-19,” said Port Authority of Guam General Manager Rory J. Respicio. “Our Port Contact Tracing Team immediately began working on this latest case and, as a result of their work, they have identified 10 Port employees who were in immediate close contact with the latest positive case. Our Port Contact Tracing Team has already notified the potentially affected employees of the situation and they will all be tested by the Department of Public Health and Social Services.”

The Port continues to take every precaution necessary to combat COVID19 including daily deep cleaning and sanitizing of the facility, the installation of hand washing and sanitizing stations and the establishment of the Port Clinic. In addition, we have stood up our Port Contact Tracing Team and members are now certified contact tracers through the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and they respond immediately when a positive case is confirmed. All of these efforts are being done to ensure that we do not disrupt the supply chain for our community and have helped the Port to remain 100 percent operational since the pandemic began.

Meanwhile, the Port received the results from the employees exposed in the 6th COVID-19 case at the Port and all four of those employees tested negative. In total, the Port Contact Tracing Team has been able to identify 305 cases of close contact exposure with the seven port employees and has coordinated testing for all exposures.

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