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BREAKING NEWS: Manglona calls for Senate to join House investigation into Torres

Writer's picture: KanditNewsGroupKanditNewsGroup

By Troy Torres

(Tumon, Guam) Senator Paul Manglona (I-Rota) called upon the full Senate of the 21st Commonwealth Legislature to join the House of Representatives in an impending investigation into public corruption by Gov. Ralph Torres.

The political momentum to investigate the governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is gaining steam. The investigation, historically and in whispers among members of both the independent minority party and the Republican majority in both houses of the Legislature, widely is seen as the first step toward the impeachment, then removal of the governor.

The final portion of his remarks on the Senate floor, where he raises this issue, is transcribed below:

"Last week our colleagues in the House of Representatives spent a great deal of time in the two legislative sessions discussing the recent FBI raids in the CNMI, and alleged fraud and abuses in the expenditure of public funds. As a result, Speaker BJ Attao has tasked two of his House standing committees to look into this matter. Further, I have here a copy of the House Minority letter to the Speaker, and the OGA letter to the Department of Finance for the Senate Clerk so that these letters may be admitted as part of the Senate's records. Similarly, Mr. President and members, I respectfully ask that the Senate work jointly and in coordination with the House of Representatives in carrying out these legislative inquiries. I know I am only a minority member and who am I to make such a request; however I am sure that our House counterparts just as here in this Chamber are all being pressured by members of the public to do something about these alleged violations of government funds and public trust. Joining the House in this investigation will only result in improved government transparency and better public confidence in our Legislative process. Dankolu na si Yu'us ma'ase, and thank you for your indulgence. Thank you, Mr. President."
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7 commenti

16 dic 2019

To cheeto muncher. I can confirm what you are saying. Not only have they taken my comments and changed them, but have out right CENSORED comments and had them removed. I had posted a couple of comments early on (before Kandit News was known) about Kandit News and found those comments had been REMOVED after having been posted. In other words, someone must have called the newspaper and told them to remove it, and they did. Luckily, people saw the post before it was removed and after that, it was no stopping it and now everyone is awake. Marianas Variety needs to grow a pair and quit acting filipino. It seems that all they care about is the ad revenue,…

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16 dic 2019

Thank you Kandit News for reporting REAL news. The CNMI's "newspapers" Marianas Variety and Saipan Tribune are jokes. The Variety actively deletes comments from users or will edit the comments of users, then lock it so the user cannot go in and edit it back. Disgusting.

Cannot wait for Torres to be hauled away in cuffs

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16 dic 2019

Chris Concepcion and the Mayor of Saipan, two peas in a pod on their trip to Katori Japan under the guise of a sister city arrangement. What was failed to be reported is the Japanese suggested this years ago and yet nothing was done (because everyone was kissing up to the Chinese). Once the Chinese situation started looking like it was heading South, all of a sudden it's let's go to Katori and do a press release in the newspapers. You politicians make me sick. Always blowing with whatever wind direction is favorable to your own vanity. And then they have the nerve to say something about the trip also included something about potato and peanut farming that they coul…

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16 dic 2019

Kandit news is the only true news we have in the CNMI all else is fake news or controlled by $$$.

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16 dic 2019

Marianas Variety? Too funny. Only interested in not biting the hand that feeds it the bula bula press releases. Censorship of commenters is a common thing. Overall useless as a newspaper that reports relevant details. Too many filipinos involved and we all know how they fear upsetting anything that might affect them. Kandit news is by far the best thing that ever happened to the CNMI. In my eyes, both the Marianas Variety and the Saipan Tribune should be boycotted by the community.

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