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BREAKING NEWS: Typhoon Bualoi moves north

By Barbara Brown

(Tumon, Guam) Bualoi now is a typhoon, with maximum sustained winds of 74 mph. Typhoon Bualoi now is moving northwestward at 12 mph, and is located 385 miles east-southeast of Guam as of 6 p.m. (ChST). This is information from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center.

The center of the typhoon is forecast to veer 33 miles north of Saipan at its closest point of approach some time tomorrow.

The acting governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Arnold I. Palacios, has been preparing the NMI, having declared Typhoon Condition II for Saipan and Tinian, and Typhoon Condition III for Rota this afternoon. CNMI government offices, schools, and the Northern Marianas College have been closed Monday.

Guam remains in Condition of Readiness 4. There have been no announcements of school or government closures for Monday.

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