By Johnnie Rosario
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act by a veto-proof majority, 335 yeas to 78 nays, moments ago.
Congressman Michael San Nicolas fought for and won inclusion of an economy-shifting inclusion of a provision allowing the use of foreign labor on civilian projects on Guam. This is a major victory Guam has sought for years.
"The veto-proof passage of the current NDAA, containing our language for H-2b relief for our civilian construction industry, is a powerful first step," opened Congressman San Nicolas. "We are confident such bi-partisan support will translate into the Senate, and appropriately signal that the measure should be passed into law," Congressman San Nicolas concludes.
The bill now heads to the U.S. Senate for passage before it reaches President Trump for his consideration. Mr. Trump has threatened to veto the NDAA if Congress continues to authorize Section 230, the Communications Decency Act, in the NDAA.
According to Mr. San Nicolas, the NDAA also includes authorization for the Defense Department to spend approximately $600 million in projects on Guam, raising hopes the island's economy can begin to recover steadily in the aftermath of the Coronavirus-era recession.