By Troy Torres
JungleWatch today broke the story of a growing scandal in the Archdiocese of Agana involving the superintendent of Catholic schools, Juan Flores, and the principal (former?) of Father Duenas Memorial School, Ismael "Temo" Perez.
You can read the article by Frenchie by clicking this link to JungleWatch's blog on the topic.
The scandal and the article are raising new questions about age-old matters in the Archdiocese. As Frenchie puts it in his article, "the bad habits and corrupt ways of the Apuron administration, have not gone as some of us would have liked to happen."
The JungleWatch expose on the Flores-Temo scandal tells the story of Temo the Victim and Flores the Culprit, but Frenchie beckons us to dig deeper. Indeed, so do our sources, who say that while Mr. Flores is the villain here, he also is a pawn in a much bigger dynasty of corruption and intrigue that did not leave the Archdiocese, when Anthony Apuron did.
Kandit will take its queue from JungleWatch and follow this lead. We will dig. There is a bigger story here involving money, politics, and power. And we're going to find it.