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Gambling machines at Mall's FunFair moved

By Johnnie Rosario

(Yigo, Guam) The owners and operators of the FunFair children's amusement park inside the Micronesia Mall have moved the Liberty machines that were stationed in an inconspicuous room within the amusement park.

Video footage of the premises taken last night shows the gameroom still contains other gambling devices, including the horse-race style machine and other gambling consoles.

This is the third business that has removed these Liberty slot machines since justice advocate Jesse Mendiola filed a criminal complaint against the gambling lords of Guam Music, Inc. and the owners of Kings family restaurant. The restaurant's Harmon location operated two Liberty machines until last Wednesday, when Mr. Mendiola called police to report that gambling machines were being operated on premises where children were present and allowed. This is in criminal violation of the Gaming Control Act.

A day later, Linda's Coffee Shop removed its gambling machines. On Friday Kandit filed a similar complaint against the operators of slot machines at the New Kim's MTM Laundrymat.

The machines at the FunFair have been in operation there for years. They were operated in a room within the amusement park itself. It is clear that this gameroom within an amusement park was meant to attract parents while their children played in the amusement park unattended, which was an often occurrence.

Oddly enough there are two business licenses for the operation of these slot machines within the Micronesia Mall. The other license is for the operation of these machines within the mall offices.

Both business licenses list philanthropist Emelio Uy as an owner of both locations.

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