By Jacob Nakamura
(Tumon, Guam) It is often said that the coverup is worse than the crime and for Linda Denorcey and Tony Babauta that appears to be the case regarding the PacStar Pandemic Party.
As Kandit News first broke last night, Governor Lou Leon Guerrero’s Chief of Staff Tony Babauta has been staying in the Presidential Suite of the Pacific Star Hotel which is designated as a GovGuam quarantine facility. And because he doesn’t meet the strict guidelines told to Govguam by FEMA, his extravagant secret stay at the hotel will not be reimbursable so your tax dollars will be footing the bill.
In an embarrassing attempt to justify Mr. Babauta’s pandemic party at the PacStar, DPHSS Director Linda Denorcey told KUAM news tonight that DPHSS is paying the bill Mr. Babauta’s presidential suite and that he was staying there because he wasn’t feeling well. Later the Governor’s Spokeswoman Janela Carerra told KUAM that Babauta only stayed at the resort for one night.
Internal records on the presidential suite note that the suite which is Room 1909 is booked in the name of Guam Energy Director Rebecca Respicio who is also staying at the resort. Ms. Respicio is the cabinet member overseeing the quarantine operations. According to the hotel records, the presidential suite was added to the GovGuam staff/cabinet secret rooms on April 13. A notation in their hotel booking system at 11:17pm reads “was adviised (sic) by Rebecca that they are also taking this room... confidentially, Rebecca will stay in the room previously 1736 now moved to 1909/ DO NOT CONNECT CALLS TO THIS ROOM PER REBECCA.” Another notation at the top of this record states “Ms Rebecca - DoNot Call Public Health. Do Not Connect Calls.”
So despite Janela Carrera’s claims that Tony Babauta was only there for one night, hotel records show that the Governor’s staff secretly secured this room for Mr Tony Babauta on April 13 and included confidential orders not to tell anyone and not to connect any calls. Hotel staff have reported to Kandit that Mr Babauta has had many visitors in the presidential suite to include director Richard Ybanez.
According to hotel records obtained by Kandit News, the Governor’s staff booked the entire 19th floor under the guise of “quarantine facility” but that floor consists of all of the other suites and the one presidential suite. Actual members of the public being quarantined are on the lower floors.
“All government rooms are on the 19th floor where the executive suites as well as the one presidential suite is at,” a member of the Pacific Star staff told Kandit News. She wished to have her identity protected in order not to be the subject of retaliation for blowing the whistle on Tony Babauta’s PacStar Pandemic Party. “1909 is the presidential suite. With a whopping $3,219.00 balance. Most of these rooms have been booked since the 31st of March. A lot of them with the governors liaisons notes saying ‘Do not call’, ‘Unsure about who will be using rooms.’”
Every room on the confidential 19th floor is booked in the name of Guam Energy Director Rebecca Respicio. And just two days before secretly booking the presidential suite and other executive suites for her fellow cabinet members, Ms. Rebecca Respicio took to social media to lecture the public about not speaking up against the Governor and she declared that the government does not lie.
Respicio, who considers herself an expert in social media and “Island Influencers” wrote a post asking the public and the “island influencers” to stop questioning the governor and just follow her directives.
“Truth and facts about COVID-19 are fluid and change so often. This doesn’t mean the government is lying,” Rebecca Respicio wrote. “Constant and Consistent messaging across the board about safety and putting aside differences of opinions is what’s needed right now. Just for a moment can we pause the talks about liberties and freedoms and the talks about controversial decisions? It adds a layer of power on people to defy these measures just so they can prove to whoever that the Governor can’t dictate their lives.”
Ms Respicio commented that she “was inspired this morning when I was reading some posts from influencers (media) that was just stirring up some controversial and very unnecessary comments. Never mind that right now. Life will be inconvenienced for awhile. This is a global pandemic. IT IS GLOBAL! Inconvenience has to be secondary to LIFE.”
Two days later this social media influencer expert was secretly booking extravagant executive suites for her and other cabinet members and telling staff not to tell anyone the names of the people staying there and to not allow any phone calls through to the secret rooms.
The member of the hotel management staff who provided Kandit with photos of the records on each executive suite and presidential suite and the blocks of rooms for the actual quarantine guests told us “Rebecca’s name is on every room passing it off as Department of Public Health.”
“Why are they being so secretive about it and even ordering our staff not to let anyone call their rooms on the 19th floor if they are not doing anything wrong?” she said.
Kandit News has obtained a copy of an email from Adelup officials indicating very clearly that the Government of Guam has established an account with federal funds to pay for the quarantine hotel facilities and not local DPHSS funds as Linda Denorcey stated to KUAM.
Further, every email and every invoice from the hotels are billed as one invoice so there is no separation of billing for the Presidential Pandemic Party Suite that Mr. Babauta helped himself to while the community continues to suffer.
As for Ms. Linda DeNorcey’s explanation to KUAM News that she allowed Mr. Babauta to enjoy that lavish presidential suite because he was not feeling well, Kandit News has decided to heed the advice of the Governor’s expert social media influencer and just keep our comments to ourselves on this “explanation” especially since the Pandemic Presidential Suite Party coordinator Ms. Respicio insists that the government does not lie to the people.
We will say this though. The coverup is only worse than the crime if you don’t get caught.
How awfully unfortunate. The media portrays these women as mean, vindictive, treacherous, ugly, and overly insensitive as they go about profiting from this PacStar or Hotel California as I joke about it. Sounds more like they check in but it doesn't even serve its purpose. It's like you check in and can never leave.. "prisoners of your own device". I don't know what this is. If there is truly a pandemic coronavirus there are laws whether they are enforceable or not is another thing because criminals have been getting away with everything. President Trump himself was aware of this coronavirus since 2016 but kept quiet about allowing more time to unleash itself on America and the rest of the world.…
After reading this, nothing surprises anymore. Who the heck do they think they are? Where is our sleepy AG. Justice will be only done, if all bills regarding the 19th floor are being paid out of the severance pay of the occupants. Ms. Respecio, Mr. Babauta and Ms. DeNorcey should be released from their Government of Guam employment and barred never to be employed again with Government of Guam as well as any financial contracts must be denied.