By Johnnie Rosario
(Yigo, Guam) Congressman Michael San Nicolas did it! Well, to be more specific, the majority of the members of Congress passed a continuing resolution that allows the federal government to operate until November 21, 2019, and President Donald Trump signed it into law.
One of the most significant effects of the passage of House Resolution 4378, co-sponsored by Mr. San Nicolas, is that Guam won't lose Medicaid funding the day after tomorrow. Funding continues until November 21, before which Congress will need to figure out what to do to keep the government open.
Mr. San Nicolas has been working with Florida Congressman Darren Soto and the delegates from the other territories on a more permanent fix to the Medicaid funding issue. On July 9, 2019, they introduced and have been lobbying for H.R. 3631, which will extend Medicaid funding to Guam and the other territories, with federal matching funding levels at 100 percent for the next few years.
Gov. Lou Leon Guerrero has not written to anyone in Congress in support of H.R. 3631, and Adelup remains coy as to whether the governor ever will.
Biba Congressman San Nicolas!