By Johnnie Rosario
(Tumon, Guam) It's now the second day of waiting for information from the University of Guam to explain why two government-issued credit cards were used at the Oceanview Beng Teng Spa at the Lotte Resort Guam, and at Macy's.
The spa charge of $450 was made on a card issued to UOG dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Dr. James Sellman.
The Macy's charges totaling $829.58 were made on a credit card issued to Director of Research and Sponsored Programs Dr. Rachael Leon Guerrero.
Jonas Macapinlac, the university's spokesman, told Kandit Thursday morning that he would look into the charges, what was purchased, why the purchases were made, and what public purpose these purchases served.
The night before that interview, UOG released a statement regarding the brewing credit card scandal, stating in part, "UOG could purchase anything from pizza to sports equipment to plane tickets to health and wellness services to high-powered microscopes. The University’s credit card and purchase card policies control allowable purchases, limit spending, and protect the integrity of the procurement process while giving UOG personnel the ability to conduct business efficiently."
The university did look into three transactions with the Westin Resort Guam for hotel stays each equaling $1,431.90, and was able to provide the purpose and reasons for those hotel stays by the end of business yesterday.